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The perfect blend of Pre- & Probiotics. Did you know that the Gut is responsible for more than 80% of the immune system? “Friendly” bacteria act like the gut’s defense system against “bad” or dangerous disease-causing bacteria. A gut that has a bountiful amount of this healthy friendly live bacteria enjoys wonderful health benefits; including combating yeast, aiding in allergies, IBD and prevent tooth decay. Love Bugs encourages the growth of friendly bacteria to protect the gut. Contains 14 strain probiotic with 30 billion allergen-free CFU. Dog and Cat friendly 

Love Bugs- Pre and Probiotics

PriceFrom $28.99
  • Larch Arabinogalactan (700mg per ½ tsp). Humic and Fulvic acids (558mg per ½ tsp) Multi strain probiotic blend including species specific patented probiotics (2 billion CFU per ½ tsp
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