Product Pricing
We last reviewed our prices 15 months ago in in September 2023. We are heavily dependent on meat as the various meats, organs and bones that we use in our dinners make up in excess of 90% of our dinners. We always buy whole meat that is USDA approved and human grade and refuse to compromise our commitment to maintaining the integrity of the products we make.
Consequently, fluctuations in the prices of meat you purchase affect us in the same manner. Since the last assessment, the prices of Turkey, Pork, Duck, Rabbit, and Lamb have stabilized and are roughly equivalent to what we paid 15 months ago. Unfortunately, Beef and Chicken have become considerably more expensive than they were in September 2023, and the upward trend shows no sign of stabilizing. This is corroborated by the market reports we review.
Of course, employment costs and insurance have all risen too.
Consequently, we have chosen to raise the prices of our dinners and variety packs by an average of 2.7%. Items containing more beef will see a slightly higher increase, while those with pork, rabbit, or turkey will experience a slightly lower increase than this percentage.
We will make every effort to maintain these prices for the next 15 months and would like to express our sincere gratitude for your business over the past years.