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The complete Yeasty Beast Protocol is an intelligent way to help get rid of dog yeast without dangerous yeast die-off. It’s a safe and effective program of gentle herbs and homeopathic remedies.
The kit helps combat yeast and supports the immune system, while avoiding an intense Herxheimer reaction (toxic yeast die-off) which can look like the yeast Is getting worse. This often leads to more drugs (ex. antibiotics, steroids and antifungals) there by continuing the merry go round of chronic skin problems and gut trauma.


Dogs Only 

Yeasty Beast Protocol (3 product kit)

  • Liver Tonic: Supports the health of liver, kidneys, pancreas and gall bladder by helping to regenerate healthy liver cells and boost the organs ability to filter toxins from the blood. Aids in proper dunctions of histamine (associate with allergies, chronic inflammation), protein synthesis and biochemical productino for digestion. Best used twice per year during the seasonal allergy flare upts to support the liver in regulating histamine. On-going treatment is require for animals with chronic liver, kidney or pancreas disease. Made using herbal ingredients such as dandelion root, milk thistle, and more. 

    Yeasty Beast I: A homeopathic combination of Sulphur, Berberis, Nux Vomica, Echinacea, and Graphites prepared in a 13% alcohol base. This combination is specifically designed to target the skin. Yeasty Beast I is intended to help with itch, detoxification, and toxin removal. This combination of ingredients may also be beneficial for supporting overall immune health.

    Yeasty Beast II: An enzyme, probiotic and herbal blend including Pau d’Arco and Caprylic Acid. This formula was methodically designed to target yeast while avoiding an intense Herxheimer reaction (toxic yeast die-off), which can look like the yeast is getting worse.

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